I want Hummus!!!

I just got done eating a giant plate of broccoli, and I was even more food! I want hummus with pita chips. Mmmmmm, that sounds good.

I did a kettle bell work out today. It went fine. Broke a good sweat.

Besides the steamed broccoli I had, I also had today another plate of steamed veggies that was onions, red potato’s, green bean, and rosemary. Food wise today I am kicking ass.

I looked on Craigslist to get an idea of room mates up in Boston. I wanted to to go to this housing fair the 6-8 but I just didn’t have the money. 😦

The boy was just in town this week and we had a splendid time together. Ate terribly, but had fun. He is now talking about trying for this job in Birmingham, and I am sorry, if he gets it, we’ll have to break up. I mean, we’re together for over 2 years, I move to Boston, he moves away? That is just downright ridiculous. If he gets it, I mean, good for him. It’s suppose to be a good job, but I don’t want long distance anymore or ever again. I know that for sure. I want a boyfriend who I can hang out with when I get out of class. Someone who can go out to dinner with me without having to be on a plane first. Someone I don’t have to pack a suitcase before seeing. Long distance is tough and I don’t enjoy it. I enjoy the traveling, but now that I am settling down for a solid 3 years for law school, I will need a boyfriend in the same city as me. It’s a deal breaker.

I go back to work tonight, which I don’t want to do. I think I am semi-training a girl? They’re already filling my position and I am staying til mid-August! Seems a touch preemptive.

So, that is about it on the updates. The goal with the kettlebell is to do a work out on it everyday and weight myself at the end of 7 days. Hopefully I see some good results!

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